Why Depression occurs,reasons and solution for it.

  • 1. Job Pressure
  • 2. Relationship Breakup

Why does depression happen, what are the reasons for it, and if it happens then what is its solution? Depression is not a disease, there can be many reasons for depression. There are many issues in financially unstable family relationship breakup or career and job pressure so I will be sharing two points depression is very common due to which first is job pressure and second is relationship breakup so first we will discuss job pressure.

1. Job Pressure 

I will share something about an example if there are seven members in the family and only one member has the responsibility of the entire house he goes out to work from 7:00 the morning and Even if he is extremely busy, he comes at 9:00 in the night or sometimes even gets late, so what happens due to this is that his personal life impacts him a lot and the enjoyment he has in life. A person cannot do that and if financial issues arise in any family, then due to that his stress level becomes very high plus his confidence level becomes low, so due to work, he thinks only about work throughout the day. He keeps thinking in his mind that if his boss scolds him on any topic or there is always anxiety inside him that if I do not complete any work then the boss will scold me in front of everyone, this is a main point. So due to this, the morale of an individual becomes very low and to avoid all these things, the definite solution is that if you take small breaks in between the work as per your choice. For example, you will take a break of 10 minutes, due to which your mind can work in a very different way, you can go out and walk for five minutes, so here I would like to say that you will share as much of your things as possible. What happens due to work pressure with family is that you are not able to give your time and you are not able to give time to your family, then your anxiety level due to all these things becomes very high, so this is the reason for these things. You are affecting your personal life,so the next point I am going to talk about is Relationship breakup.

2. Relationship Breakup 

Here I would like to take an example, in our neighbour, there was a person or a family. There used to be three members and one person had a breakup and their relationship lasted for three to four years, but with this, I want to tell you that do not think that your life has ended because of a breakup. Here I have taken the example of that individual because he is an individual, he has started looking at his life in a very different way, he locks himself in his room, remains completely isolated, and does not share anything with his family. He doesn’t go anywhere, so because of all this, he has become completely depressed. He doesn’t know what he is doing with his life and during this time, he has developed a habit of wrong things like drinking is not a solution for any of these things, so think that you will not develop any bad habits in yourself because when I see that individual, he only drinks in the morning and from morning till night. If you keep doing this and stay alone, then here I would like to give this solution if you share anything with the family, even by sharing even a little thing, your mind becomes very light. If you have brothers and sisters, then share things with them. You will remain friends. There will always be some close friends with whom you can share things. And do not let the depression of depression dominate you because once depression occurs, it is very severe. It becomes difficult for that individual to go out and then he has to visit the doctors and the fees of the doctors are also very high. For a lower middle-class person, this fee of Rs. 2000–3000 can be very high, so you can try this. Do share with your close one all those things which are troubling you.

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